
Ixtapa/Zihautenjo share an airport.  That’s where the similarity ends.  Ixtapa is a resort designed by the Mexican government, think Cancun.  Big hotels, manicured boulevards, shopping malls, restaurants, secure condominums.  Zihautenejo or Zihau as it’s called is a which grew from 8,000 to 80,000 when people came to work at the Ixtapa hotels and restaurants.  It was just a sleepy fishing village and the fisherman still bring their catch in every day.  It’s got personality and the most beautiful beach Playa Ropa.  This is where we spent the last few days of our vacation.

Cinco Sentidos, our base of operations.  It’s a 10.  Built into a hill, it’s five suites with an open wall design to the outside, a pool in each suite overlooking Playa Ropa, stylish and comfortable, a place you can really hang out in.  We were greeted by Heiko and Arceli; they are the consummate hosts.  Heiko is a chef.  His breakfasts are creations and we couldn’t see what the next breakfast would bring.  We settled in and walked down to the beach for lunch at Paty’s, fish tacos and a couple of beers.

Zihau is divided into two areas.  The tourista side with restaurants, shops and the bay, where the fishing boats come in; the other side of the street is the mercado, street after street of markets and shops, selling everything you can imagine and home to Carmelita’s which I’ll talk about later.

2 Replies to “Zihau”

  1. So did you go on a tour with Andy & Red’s boat rental company? I have been wondering how they were doing ever since the ending scene of Shawshank Redemption.

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