It came out of the blue. Romeo was drinking too much water so I called the vet. Roy brought him in and he had his annual exam. “He looks great but let’s do some blood and urine work”. No big deal. He was waiting for me when I came home and we went on our usual afternoon Frisbee play and walk. Continue reading “Warning: Will Break Your Heart”
A Life Well Lived
My blogs are about good things – travel, food, our adventures. But today it’s about the passing of a life. My mother-in-law’s.
Let me tell you a little about her.
My first memory of my mother-in-law was being greeted at the door for a family Hannukah party which Roy brought me to. She was so happy that her son had met a Jewish girl!
When Roy and I finally got married, I called her Shirley. She said absolutely not. We’re mom and dad.
She loved her family more than life itself. She was fiercely loyal and “kvelled” at her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren’s every accomplishment. She was a loving wife with a marriage that lasted 63 years. She was a sister. She was an aunt. She was a cousin.
She was a worrier on a grand scale. Worrying about things before they happened.
She was one of the first women to sell real estate agent in Newton, MA. She worked hard. She never lived above her means, probably below her means. She checked every receipt to make sure there were no mistakes almost like a game.
She traveled the world with Max, her husband. Theirs was a match made in heaven.
She was a competitor. She taught me the in’s and out’s of Scrabble which we played every Sunday night. She played bridge and loved Suduko.
We argued every week about politics.
And, she was a realist. She did everything she wanted to in her life and knew that it was coming to an end and was at peace. Her’s was a storybook ending. She passed away the way most people wish for. At her daughter’s home, surrounded by people who loved her.
And now, her family is left with a legacy which they will carry on, laugh and cry about and say that’s how mom and grammy would have done it.
So, R.I.P – mom.
Beekeeping 101
Roy’s got a new hobby. He just graduated from bee school and he’s now an official junior beekeeper!
Yup, right here in the burbs, 2 hives. This morning he picked up 20,000 bees and now they’re flying around the hives acclimating to their new surroundings. Hopefully they’ll like their home and we’ll be able to give away some yummy honey.
So now there are three queen bees at my house, two in the hives and me! Roy’s a lucky man!!
I’ll be keeping you up to date on how the bees are doing. Here are a couple of pictures from day one in our backyard!

Winter has arrived….
Winter’s arrived. We couldn’t escape it. That first snow is beautiful and when I walked Romeo at 7A yesterday morning with the snow falling it was so peaceful; no noise, not even a bird (that’s one of my homemade birdhouses). I like to look for critter tracks and there were lots of them. Poor Romeo’s paws hurt from the salt on the road so I had to soak them when we got home. Yes, those of you who know Romeo might not think so but Romeo is a wuss! Continue reading “Winter has arrived….”